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The biggest name in Colombian architecture over the last years is honored at the Museum of Modern Art’s most recent exhibition on Latin American architecture in New York. Learn more about his work.
Under the care of curators Barry Bergdoll and Patricio Real, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) presents the exhibition “Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980”, putting on display the most important works from three decades of architectural developments in the region, recounting the development of urbanism and building design throughout the evolution and progress in cities like Bogota, Buenos Aires, and Mexico City.
The landmark projects highlighted at the exhibition feature the Torres del Parque buildings by Rogelio Salmona, a residential project that gave Bogota a new look, not only architecturally, but also from an urban and landscape perspective, using pathways, gardens, and small squares to smoothly blend buildings into the city's public spaces.
Read on to learn more about this and other works by one of the icons in modern Colombian architecture.
If you want to learn more about other major works in Colombian architecture, please click on the following links:
Cudecom and Avianca: 2 Colombian buildings that left their mark on history
UGI, Colpatria and Novartis: 3 milestones of Colombian arquitecture