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Local photographers from Colombia you should follow

We’ll show you a few local photographers that should be on your radar. Take a look at their work and the international awards they have won, and let’s celebrate World Photo Day together!

1. Camilo Jaramillo, winner of The World At Night (TWAN) Photo Contest2017

Jaramillo specializes in landscape art photography, and is the first Colombian photographer who has won a TWAN award, widely known for being the most stunning collection of nightscape photography in the world.

Camilo has been specializing in night photography for several years. He has portrayed the Milky Way hundreds of times, and in 2017, he dared to commission one of his works for an international competition. His work has been even been recognized by NASA!

2. Raúl Higuera, one of the top 100 photographers in the world

He is a fashion and advertising photographer from Bucaramanga, Colombia His personal stamp is characterized by its black color, indicative of his photography ideas and sets the mood of each image with a sense of drama. He uses contour highlights to focus the viewers attention to specific areas, especially since most of his work is for advertising.

His work has been seen in publications such as Vogue Paris, Elle, and Marie Claire advertising iconic such as Coca-Cola and Nike, amongst others.…

3. Andrea Swarz, one of the most sought-after local photographers and art directors in the fashion industry

She has lived and studied in Paris and Buenos Aires for the past several years. Since 2010, she has been focused on fashion art photography. Her artwork is cinematographic and inspirational, something that she uses to narrate stories for Colombian brands.

Andrea has worked for Colombian fashion designers such as Johanna Ortiz and national brands such as Pink Philosophy. Her photographs have been published in Vogue Mexico, Vogue UK and In-Fashion Magazine. She is also part of the creative partnership Some Friends, a collaboration with her sister Natalia and designer Ricardo Ballen, where she works with branding and creative consulting.…

4. Ruven Afanador, the famous photographer of celebrities and fashion

This Colombian photographer lives in New York, and is one of the world's most sought-after character and fashion photographers. His art photography is dominated by an astonishing visual language, illuminated by the extravagant emotion and exquisite elegance.

Since Ruven was young, his art photography have been published in magazines such as Elle, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and New York Times Magazine. Also, he has photographed celebrities like Quentin Tarantino, George Clooney, and Barack Obama, amongst others.…

5. Cristina Salgar: colorful photography featured in Vogue Japan...

Her photography ideas arise from the combination of neon lights, plants, and beautiful girls. Her remarkable visual sensitivity to art photography is defined by her obsession with highlighting female sensuality.

She specializes in two types of photography: portrait and street photography, which she studied in Berlin in 2015.

6. Federico Ríos and Juan Arredondo captured three of the best National’s Geographic Magazine Pictures of 2018

Every year, National Geographic magazine selects 100 of the best images of the year. In 2018, more than two million photography ideas were received. And guess what? Three of the 100 photographs selected belonged to two Colombian photographers.

Juan Arredondo, a Colombian photographer whose art photography explore social inequality and human rights issues. His photography ideas have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, and LeMonde Magazine, amongst others.…

Federico Ríos is a Colombian photojournalist focusing on social issues in Latin America. His digital photography work has been featured in iconic publications such as The New York Times and National Geographic Magazine.…

We invite you to continue discovering Colombian talent and how these Colombian photographers awaken thoughts, feelings and emotions through their work. Because, as you can see, Colombia truly is an artist’s land.

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