Vista panorámica de Manizales, mostrando calles, rotondas, áreas verdes y edificios con montañas al fondo.


City of Open Doors and Snow-Capped Peaks

477 km²​
Parque Nacional de los Nevados

Places to make the most of Manizales during its Fair

Manizales, known as the City of Open Doors, was founded in 1849 by Antioquian settlers. Today, it is a city full of activities of all kinds for every adventurer. If you don’t know what to do, we suggest experiencing the incredible Manizales Fair or the International Theater Festival. After all, this is the most important theater city in Colombia’s history. Or, if you enjoy an unparalleled concert experience, the Manizales Grita Rock festival will surely inspire you to explore the city.​

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