Paisaje costero de Bahía Solano con olas rompiendo sobre las rocas.

Colombian Pacific

Get to know the regions of Colombia

If there is something that characterizes us as a country, it is our incredible diversity of territories, nature and cultures. In each of our regions we find the richness of a multicultural country and the mixture of histories, traditions and cultural heritage. Learn more about what makes Colombia, the country of beauty, unique through our regions.

Departments of the Colombian Pacific

Chocó and Valle del Cauca are the two departments that make up this region. Here the sea mixes with the jungle and the sugar cane fields; while marimbas, currulaos and trumpets play the best salsa that makes everyone enjoy. If you want to know the charm of the humpback whales on the Pacific coast or the mecca of Colombian cinema, this is your destination.

Choco: The Choco jungle is one of the most recognized in the world for its botanical splendor, flora and fauna.

Cauca: It is a department known as the water star, thanks to its coastal strip of mangrove and rainforest. 

Mapa Pacífico Colombiano

Typical dishes of the Colombian Pacific

  • Pusandao​


    We are talking about the broth that restores the “soul to the body” and serves as a main dish for family…
  • Chontaduro


    The fruit to “knock down the bed” you hear! And beyond the “powers” that are granted to it, with this marvel…
  • Empanadas de pipián

    Pipián empanadas

    Marranitas are small green plantain balls filled with an exquisite chicharrón. This preparation is very…
  • Aborrajados de pescado

    Fish fritters

    One of those fried fish that tastes like the best of the river and the sea. To prepare it, get your favorite…
  • Bocachico en zumo de Limón

    Bocachico in lemon juice

    This is one of those dishes that narrates, through that unmistakable mix between the beach and the river, the…
  • Sancocho de pescado

    Fish sancocho

    In the Pacific they take this recipe to another level. Although the idea is still the same (cooking a broth…

Culture of the Colombian Pacific

Desfile cultural con participantes vestidos con trajes tradicionales amarillos y verdes.


  • Cali Fair

  • Festivities of San Francisco de Asís, or “San Pacho” Festivities.

  • Cali International Theater Festival

  • National and International Meeting of Folkloric Dances Mercedes Montaño

  • International Poetry Festival

  • Petronio Álvarez Pacific Music Festival

Pareja de bailarines en trajes llamativos, realizando una presentación de baile en un escenario iluminado.


  • Salsa​

  • Choke Sauce

  • Currulao​

  • La Juga​

  • El Pisón​

  • Jota

  • La Mazurca​

  • La Polka​

Grupo de niños vestidos con trajes tradicionales blancos y sombreros de paja, tocando un instrumento musical.


  • Salsa

  • Currulao

  • Pasillos

  • Bambucos

Mujer indígena sonriente con adornos tradicionales y un bebé en brazos


  • Wounaan

  • Embera chamí

  • Nasa o Paez

  • Embara Dóbida

  • Chamí

  • Katío

  • Zenu

  • Tule