Paisaje serrano con un lago rodeado de rocas y vegetación.

Eastern Colombian Andes

Get to know the regions of Colombia

If there is something that characterizes us as a country, it is our incredible diversity of territories, nature and cultures. In each of our regions we find the richness of a multicultural country and the mixture of histories, traditions and cultural heritage. Learn more about what makes Colombia, the country of beauty, unique through our regions.

There are four departments and the capital, Bogota, that make up the Colombian Eastern Andes: Cundinamarca, Bogota D.C., Norte de Santander, Santander and Boyaca. Here you will learn about the history and battles of a country that fought for its freedom. Discover places like the Boyacá bridge, or delight yourself seeing skyscrapers and an impressive city in Bogotá.

Mapa Andes Orientales Colombianos

  • Platos


    This traditional dish from Bogota is a thick soup based on chicken, potatoes (three different types), corn…
  • Sobrebarriga​


    Sobrebarriga is a cut of beef, also known as “skirt steak”, simmered with onion, garlic, tomato and spices.…
  • Changua​


    Changua is a traditional dish from the Cundinamarca-Boyacá highlands. It is made with milk, water, egg and…
  • Tamales​


    Andean tamales are prepared with corn dough filled with pork or chicken, rice, vegetables and spices, wrapped…
  • Mazamorra chiquita

    Mazamorra chiquita

    This sweet dish, originally from the Cundiboyacense region, is made with tender corn cooked in water with…
  • Platos

    Sancocho de gallina​

    It is made with chicken, yucca, plantain, potato, corn and other vegetables. Sancocho is cooked slowly so…

Grupo de bailarines folklóricos en pareja, vestidos con trajes típicos coloridos y sombreros.


  • Festivities of San Pedro, Ibagué

  • Rock al Parque Festival, Bogota

  • Bonita Fair, Bucaramanga

  • Festivities of San Pedro, Espinal

  • National Bambuco Contest, Neiva, Colombia

  • Aguinaldo Boyacense, Tunja

  • National Festival of the Ruana, Boyacá

  • San Roque Patron Saint Festivities

Pareja de bailarines vestidos con trajes típicos colombianos.


  • Bambuco​

  • Pasillo Andino​

  • Guabina​

  • Carranga​

  • Vals​

  • Torbellino​

Concierto en vivo con banda tocando sobre un escenario iluminado.


  • Torbellino​

  • Guabina​

  • Bambuco​

  • Pasillo Andino​

  • Carranga​

  • Vals​

  • Porro Andino​

Escultura precolombina de oro que representa una balsa ceremonial con figuras indígenas.


  • Muiscas, Altiplano Cundiboyancense ​

  • Coyaima, Tolima​

  • Agataes, Santander​

  • Pueblo UWA, El Cocuy​

  • Los Bari, Santander​

  • Páez y Nasa, Huila​