Get to know the regions of Colombia
If there is something that characterizes us as a country, it is our incredible diversity of territories, nature and cultures. In each of our
Explore the Western Colombian Andes
Majestic mountains with the aroma of coffee, colorful towns, friendly farmers, exotic birds, and valleys full of flowers. The Coffee Cultural Landscape contrasts with modern Medellín: the city of Botero, the silletera culture, Colombian gastronomy, and fashion.
Departments of the Western Colombian Andes
Four departments make up the Western Colombian Andes: Caldas, Antioquia, Risaralda, and Quindío. Immerse yourself in the flavors, textures, and sublime views of our coffee mountains. Here, color and flavor blend into a coffee hue.

Typical Dishes of the Western Colombian Andes
Typical Dishes of the Western Colombian Andes
Culture of the Western Colombian Andes

Flower Fair, Medellín.
International Coffee Festival, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia.
Harvest Festivities, Pereira, Risaralda
Cultural Carnival and the Reign of the Subienda, Honda, Tolima
Aucarias Festivities, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Antioquia
Fiesta Nacional del Café, Calarcá, Antioquia

Vueltas Antioqueñas
Porro Paisa
Pasillo Lento
Chotis Antioqueño
El Baile de la Caña
Baile de los Sopingueros

Trova Paisa
Música Guasca
Pasillo Voliao
La Media Caña

Pijaos – Caldas
Los Ansermas – Manizales
Ansermas – Caldas
Los Tule - Medellín
Quinchías - Caldas
Los Pácuras - Manizales
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